
The platform to invest in the real estate market in a simple and innovative way.

The real estate market is always one of the most reliable and safest markets, and the returns are higher than competing markets.

The 32-carat properties in Brickoin allow you to become co-owners of the rights on the property without having to buy it.

Brickoin's technology and dynamics allow you to choose the property in which to invest and keep track of all the transactions made on the investment.

Real estate opportunities in evidence

Como | Italia

Loft al rustico in contesto residenziale acquisito in asta

Montagna in valtellina | Italia

Immobile da asta proponibile come seconda casa di montagna

Busto Garolfo | Italia

Opportunità hinterland milanese

How it works


Get brickoin

Receive an invitation from an investor and register on the platform transfer the amount you want to exchange in brickoin view your wallet with brickoins and all operations


Choose the property to invest in​

in the platform you will see all the properties under negotiation. Evaluate the expected return and the expected timeframe for the maturation of the investment.



Buy the carats of the selected properties wait for them to mature or trade carats with other investors


Get your return

Once the investment has matured or after having sold the carats, you will get all the brickoins including the income, transfer the brickoins in euros to your current account or use them for a new investment on the platform.